Thursday, August 20, 2009

"It's so much easier to write a resume than to craft a spirit." --Anna Quindlen

For better or worse, we all know the power of a great resume. One teeny tiny sheet of paper to sum up your entire life's schooling, experiences, skills, accomplishments, and ability to do the job for which you're applying and do it well.

And make sure it fits on one page (or shirt, as the case may be). No one has time to look at more than that when they're hiring.

But fear not.

I read yesterday on Twitter about JobSpice--a new start up that creates a resume for you. Input your personal information, and then customize the format, the color, and the font as you like. Download the PDF version and watch the job offers roll on in.

You can also create a URL and publish it online.

I had totally missed the bus on this one.

It's as if I was driving around the 1989 Toyota Corolla of resumes when I could have been driving the shiny new Rolls Royce of resumes for FREE.

Shame on me for distributing my homemade, sub-par Microsoft word junker of a resume all over town.

No wonder I'm jobless.

But I'm on the bus now. And I LOVE the look of my new resume.

My education, my experience--everything looks more impressive. Even my unpaid internship with the International Tap Dancing Association looks like a gem on this thing.

The only way my resume could look better is if it said I was de-worming orphans in the Sudan or working on a cure for cancer on the weekends.

Even despite my lack of humanitarian feats, however, my resume still looks great thanks to this fantastic find.

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