It turns out the Onion is not only a superlative publication but also a thriving bastion of commerce!
Here are some of my favorites. And Christmas is right around the corner!
1. A framed copy of a paper from a memorable day (typically, I avoid expletives on the blog, but the following is an exception on account of awesomeness):
2. The world's only USB powered single slice toasting device!
3. For the outdoors lover in your life. Or the Nalgene bottle lover (of which there are a lot more in this world):

Or another, equally introspective, approach to quaffing:
4. "At last, a personal debris removal system that will not cause injury if used properly."
This could have done wonders for our house in grad school.
I also want the t-shirt that says "Area Woman" and a shamefully accurate coffee mug that says, "I often make light of my chemical dependency on caffeine."
I wonder if admitting weakness would be frowned upon in my new job....
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