Saturday, October 3, 2009

No big post today...

..but something I saw this morning that I thought was hilarious, if also very sad and disturbingly accurate:

(if you can't see it, there's a better view here.)

Maybe you've seen it before. I hadn't. And it makes me laugh. I love how Canada is "uninhabited."

In other disturbing news, I read the other day that 75 percent of Oklahoma high school students can't name the first president of the United States.

Sad reflection on our educational system. Not ok, OK!

You can read the questions and responses from OK students here. See how you do :)


  1. I love that Africa is missing from this map.

  2. Yes, we made your stuff. Hope you still kept that scarf. :D

  3. I do still have the scarf!!!
    I love it!

    How are you?!?!
