As astute readers may remember, I wrote some weeks back about Fall. How much I love it, and how I went to the pumpkin patch which was awesome but that in no way compared to autumn in New England.
Fall in the West is simply inadequate by my very stringent standards.
But, behold:
I have some amazing friends in Boston who fashioned an effort to get me on a plane out there. Then my friend Lucy drew up a delightful and action packed itinerary for us, based on my wishes for autumn that appeared on the blog.
And I'm leaving on Thursday--how can a girl say no to that?!? (it also doubles as my pre-employment last hurrah.)
In the aforementioned blog post, I discussed ziplining over the orange, yellow and red trees of Western Massachusetts, which despite my fear of heights and better judgment, we have officially signed up for.
We're eating dinner at Legal Seafoods, Boston's premier seafood eatery. There's not enough lobster or clam chowder in the greater Boston area to satiate my recent New England cuisine cravings (to speak nothing of the quanities of Dunkin' Donuts coffee I'll be consuming during my stay):
Stomach's growling just thinking about it.
We're going to Salem on Halloween.
Salem on Halloween!!!
I can't wait. It will probably be mayhem, but well worth combating the costume clad, cotton candy eating masses.
As Lucy said in her itinerary, "there will be more pirates than you can count, more witches than you can take pictures with, and more shady looking characters than you’d care to encounter at once. Would you really want to spend Halloween anywhere else?"
Nope. No I wouldn't.
And of course, there will be time with good friends. It sucks when 3,000 miles separates you from people who mean the most to you. But such is life.
This history-loving, lobster-cracking, leef-peeping, coffee-guzzling girl couldn't be more excited to see them.