The good news: I joined a new gym.
The bad news: They believe me to be tremendously out of shape.
They had me come in for a "fitness assessment."
And it was like a bad middle school flashback.
Remember the tests in school where you had to do as many sit-ups as you could in a minute, stretch as far as you can to test flexibility, and do pull-ups (or in my case, desperately attempt to do ONE pull-up)?
Essentially the worst days of my teenage years.
I had to do that again the other day at my new gym.
I kicked ass on the cardio portion of the test, falling into the "excellent" category.
That's where the good news ended, unfortunately.
I rated average to poor in every other category.
If this was a sales tactic to get me to purchase personal training sessions (and I have to tell myself this very thing to get through the day), it worked.
My fitness rating was something like 14 out of 40. Ouch.
I have some work to do. Trying to bump it up to the mid 20s by my wedding day.
I'll let you know how it goes.
You go girl.