Have you ever picked out a china pattern?
I'm lost. So forlorn, in fact, that I've come to this blog--the one I haven't touched in months--because I'm so lost.
Here's the thing about wedding planning: it's exhausting.
Rob and I work a lot. On days off, the last thing we want to do is plan our wedding (one interesting exception: wedding rings. Just because diamonds are fun.)
The good news is that there is only so much procrastination one can do. Wedding planning is well underway and I'm happy to report that I like how our special day is coming together.
But now I'm sitting here, just about four months from our wedding, and I'm doing some preliminary selection of what will become the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner vessels for our future family.
And there are 100,000 choices just at Bloomingdales!
Flowers, bows, butterflies, hummingbirds, camels.
There's actually china with camels on it.
Camels are cute but I don't want them under my mashed potatoes for the rest of my life.
Pretty sure I feel the same way about the elephants and carousel horses.
For now, maybe I'll go back to looking at diamonds :)