I'm irritated that I don't know anything about cars.
I'm even more irritated that the guys at Jiffy Lube know I don't know anything about cars.
The worst part is that I can't even fake it. This is very disheartening for a girl who pretends to know a lot about a lot. Who can name every state capital and actually has a master's degree, but can't change her own tire.
Once in a while I'm reminded of how little I know about my trusty 11-year-old SUV.
Like today.
Today, I needed to get an oil change. My car (at close to 120,000 miles) was way overdue. Like, 3,000 miles overdue. The silver bullet's still got some miles left in 'er, but she needs some high mileage, synthetic TLC.
Before he left for work this morning, my boyfriend Rob, who happens to know and adore all things about cars (he's from Detroit), gave me some sound advice.
"They'll try to sell you a lot of stuff," he warned. "Just get the oil changed."
"Just the oil," he repeated.
$350 dollars later, I'm home from my oil change. Albeit with new transmission fluid and some radiator work, but $350 poorer nonetheless.
Mr. Lube explained what the car needed, and the total came to close to $500. I got it down to $350.
I thought I deserved a pat on the back. Or at least a cookie.
Well I just talked to Rob, still at work, and told him about my feat.
He wasn't as pleased as I was. Not nearly. He's disappointed that I didn't listen to him, and even more disappointed that they would "screw me over."
Assuming he's right, how do these people sleep at night?
The guy seemed nice enough. He commented on my dog. I thanked him when I left. He smiled.
I'm going to go forward believing that my car actually did need all and more than what I bought.
I'm going to pay my credit card bill happily, knowing that at least I'm practicing preventative medicine on the old girl.
That way, at least I'll be able to sleep at night.
Finally a Blog from Andy. Sorry you don't listen. Rob, welcome aboard.
ReplyDeletepreventative car care is the BEST thing you can do for your car! Mine has 290,000 and is still going strong (though Kyle complains the turbo doesn't kick in like it used to but I argue that in Wisconsin I don't need a damn turbo)...it's hard to tell who you can trust when it comes to work on something you have not one clue about though :/. I like your thinking in the end...better to think your car is happier and healthier and will run for thousands more miles for you
ReplyDeleteI am reminded of my cousin's father turning over the keys to her new, used VW Bug. "Now don't let them try to sell you a radiator cap. It's an air-cooled engine, so it doesn't have a radiator." The first time she pulled into a gas station that checked under her hood (this being the forgotten and little-understood era of full-service gas stations), the attendant came to her window holding a stick-thingy with a smear of oil on it). "Looks like you need a pint of oil." My cousin put her hands on her hips and sneered at the guy. "How stupid do you think I am? I KNOW this car doesn't run on oil!"
ReplyDeleteGood work, Andrea! I met you in Lake Tahoe last summer (you were with Eric and Lauren)-- frustrated English Major/writer has long conversation with job-seeking Masters-in-Journalism/writer. You actually persuaded me to start MY blog which is
Would love to hear from you! Bronte (aka Deborah)