I have nothing in particular to discuss today (further evidence that I don't get out enough), but I thought I'd share with you my thoughts (read on, I promise they're not flying turtles though, they're equally as arbitrary.)
1. There is a Subway next door to my gym. The garage smells like fresh baked bread, resulting in a brutal daily walk from my car to the elliptical machine, where rather than consuming hundreds of empty calories worth of warm fresh starchy goodness, I sweat and pant and watch crappy shows on VH1.
2. I finally took the Missouri plates off my car today. Now the silver bullet looks like any other boring California car. The UCSB plate holder, the SF Giants decal, it's all so banal now. I'm still hangin' on to my Missouri drivers license because, frankly, I'll never take a photo that flattering ever again.
3. The latest thing making me laugh:
As my friend Sean poignantly noted, these guys pretty much comprised our entire college play list. And Bob Marley. And John Mayer. And a lot more Bob Marley.
4. These thanksgiving turkey substitutes are funny. And disturbing. And make me unquestionably thankful that I eat meat. Bean loaf? Tofu shaped like turkey? I'm all for health, but an imaginary Thanksgiving ethics line has assuredly been crossed.
5. A friend told me about Regretsy, which is a website dedicated to finding ugly crap sold on Etsy. And it's not a joke. This is real live commerce here, people.
(p.s. If you like shopping and haven't been to Etsy, go there now. It's awesome.)
My favorite featured on today's page:
Fighting for one's country is no reason not to look one's best (this reminds me of Buster's army stint in Arrested Development. Anyone else?)
Also, a super creepy fairy sculpture (that I'm not entirely convinced doesn't come to life in the middle of the night) and a nice little "frame ready" portrait for above your bed.
That fairy creature goes up there with scary clowns. Great way to turn kids off fairies and have them scared of the tinker bell and happy clowns.
ReplyDeleteok. so i was just talking to one of our coaches, who's sister is a vegetarian and requested that everyone try her specially purchased just for her tofurkey. why would a vegetarian like a tofurkey, it tastes like meat, they don't like meat, why do they eat it. i just don't get it. hence the ethical issue.
ReplyDeleterandom side note, try this one on. i know someone who knows your head head head honchos duaghter. one of my swimmers who graduated this past year, her roommate in college is your head head head head honcho's daughter. a la marriott.
ok so i just hit the post button and realized i have some serious grammar issues, particularly honcho's daughter. apologies :)