Since I was out of town for the past five days, I have nothing to eat for breakfast.
Desperation for something remotely breakfast-y led me to sift around what I affectionately call "the carbohydrate drawer," where bread, crackers, and other like-minded starches are kept.
I found fortune cookies. I took one. Right before shoveling the thing into my mouth, I read the fortune:
"Now is the time to enjoy something new."
Sounds like typical fortune cookie fare, except for that I have a job interview/meeting this afternoon!
For the first time in a month, the "something new" is not a season premier of a new sitcom or a pair of shoes.
This job prospect is something new! And though I'm nervous, the wise baked good is telling me to enjoy it! Great news, indeed.
Fortunes emerging from cookies are what you make of them, of course, but in my case, I think it's a good message. Interviews are stressful, but I think it's so important to really take it in and enjoy it, be myself, and hopefully good news will follow.
Which led me to my next move:
Whether it was out of wanting another cookie or pushing my luck, I opened another one, and read the the fortune:
"You will be selected for a promotion because of your accomplishments."
It's not a promotion, and I haven't accomplished all that much.
But I'll take it.
Join me in hoping the fortune cookie gods are watching over me this afternoon.
Good luck! Turn on the Andy charm. I'm assuming the interview is not with IKEA, and as such I will refrain from using my best Swede jokes. Too bad. The one about the Swedish meatballs is a good one.
ReplyDeleteI love observing your road to success, your quest. I'm no gambler, but if I was, I'd place it all on you to grab that elusive, but perfect spot.