Thanks to the unspeakable power that is Facebook, I'm meeting up with some really old friends this evening.
Like, people I haven't spoken to in a decade.
People I went to high school with.
People with whom I would have most likely never spent more time past the hazy fog that was our all-night graduation trip to Disneyland.
Enter Facebook.
We all live in the Bay Area. We are all free on Saturday night. And we all enjoy wine.
The funniest thing about it is that through aforementioned Facebook awesomeness, I know more about their lives than I should considering I haven't talked to either of them for such a long time.
Not in a creepy stalker-type of way.
But I know how long their hair is. I know where they work, and if they're dating anyone. I know that one of them had an issue when Wells Fargo lost her paycheck, and the other is thinking of a new career in the medical field.
I don't know if we'll have the world to talk about, or if conversation will run dry quicker than our first drinks.
I don't know if we'll talk about our present and future, or if our conversation will remain in high school.
But I do know that I'm thankful for Facebook. A girl can never have too many friends.
No better opportunity than to rekindle some old friendships.
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