I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written! But it's so nice to know that you people somehow, someway miss me! Unfortunately, today I'm sick and the creative juices aren't necessarily flowing.
My joints and muscles hurt like hell and it feels like someone lodged a spiky golf ball in my throat. I'm reluctantly revisiting the days of unemployment on my trusty family room couch.
But in the spirit of optimism (inspired by tonight's State of the Union Address, notwithstanding boos from angry republicans), I thought I'd make a list of things making me happy while I'm sick:
Ocean Spray sugar-free blueberry (blueberry!!!) juice. Straight up deliciousness.
Alleve and all the other members of the pain-killing family.
The 3rd season of "Big Love." Gotta love that crazy family and their polygamist shenanigans.
Hulu and missed episodes of "30 Rock" and "Modern Family." By far the best sitcoms on TV.
Egg white omelettes with old friends who live far away (and tell you how you're "not learning to be sick very well.")
My new subscription to "The Wine Spectator:" making me more of a vino snob than I already was. And you thought that wasn't possible....
Thoughts of being up in Tahoe in a week from now with my amazing new boyfriend, skiing, eating, drinking, and repeating. My sore throat and achy muscles aren't invited.
And, for venting purposes, a short list of the things not making me happy:
The "homemade" chicken noodle soup from our grocery store that is slimy and tastes like it came out of a can that's been sitting on a pantry shelf for the better part of a decade.
The end of Brett Favre's season. That guy fought the good fight and came up just a bit short. Sad.
Does anyone else think that our vice president looks like Guy Smiley of Sesame Street fame?
That movie flat out sucks.